Brian's Kenpo Page - Kenpo Forms - Form 6
Parker Kenpo Forms - Form 6

Form 6
This is a technique form showing weapon techniques, i.e. each attack in the form is a knife, club or gun attack. The main things to do in this form is never to stop your hands. Your hands should continuously be moving from one position to another.

SET 1: Glancing Lance

  1. Step to 6:00 with your right foot into a left neutral bow while doing a low right outward hooking parry at attackers wrist to redirect the knife, immediately grabbing onto attackers wrist as you do a left upward heel palm to the underside of attackers elbow.
  2. While pulling attackers arm past your right hip, do a right rear ball kick to attackers groin followed by (as you release your right hand and check attackers arm with your left hand) a right two fingered eye poke or hook. Land from the kick onto the inside of attackers right leg, buckling their knee.
  3. Follow through with the eye poke/hook in a counter clockwise motion to check attackers right arm as you cock your right leg to left knee in a transitional one legged stance and do a right side kick to the back of attackers right knee.
  4. As you land from the kick, continue the counter clockwise circle of your right hand into a right heel palm to attackers face. Anchor your elbow (which helps check attackers right arm) and do a left middle knuckle strike to attackers right mastoid followed by a right elbow (sandwiched with your left hand). 1
  5. Slide your left foot back to an attention stance, circling your hands out and up from and into 2 push down block in front of you 2.
SET 2: Glancing Lance
  1. Step to 6:00 with your left foot into a right neutral bow while doing a low left outward hooking parry at attackers wrist to redirect the knife, immediately grabbing onto attackers wrist as you do a right upward heel palm to the underside of attackers elbow.
  2. While pulling attackers arm past your left hip, do a left rear ball kick to attackers groin followed by (as you release your left hand and check attackers arm with your right hand) a left two fingered eye poke or hook. Land from the kick onto the inside of attackers left leg, buckling their knee.
  3. Follow through with the eye poke/hook in a counter clockwise motion to check attackers left arm as you cock your left leg to right knee in a transitional one legged stance and do a left side kick to the back of attackers left knee.
  4. As you land from the kick, continue the counter clockwise circle of your left hand into a left heel palm to attackers face. Anchor your elbow (which helps check attackers left arm) and do a right middle knuckle strike to attackers left mastoid followed by a left elbow (sandwiched with your right hand).
SET 3: Unfurling Lance
  1. As the 3:00 attacker lunges with a chest level knife attack, slide your right leg back into a cat stance facing 3:00 while doing a right inward parry followed by a left outward parry.
  2. Immediately do a right front ball kick to attackers groin as your right hand cocks at your right hip.
  3. Do a right hooking middle knuckle to the inside of attackers right bicep, following through with the strike and, as you shuffle into the attacker, circling it into a right side elbow to attackers face.
  4. Do a left overhead claw to attackers face followed by a right back knuckle to attackers face.
  5. As you slide your left foot to your right foot, reversing the strike line into a right hammerfist to attackers groin with your as your left hand checks at face level.
  6. Do a right obscure upward elbow through attackers chin into a right upward claw to their face while doing a left heel palm to their solar plexus and a right front scoop kick to their groin.
  7. Do a right front ball kick to attackers right knee and a right inward hand sword to their neck as you land from the kick.
SET 4: Unfurling Lance
  1. As the 9:00 attacker lunges with a chest level knife attack, slide your left leg back into a cat stance facing 9:00 while doing a left inward parry followed by a right outward parry.
  2. Immediately do a left front ball kick to attackers groin as your left hand cocks at your left hip.
  3. Do a left hooking middle knuckle to the inside of attackers left bicep, following through with the strike and, as you shuffle into the attacker, circling it into a left side elbow to attackers face.
  4. Do a right overhead claw to attackers face followed by a left back knuckle to attackers face.
  5. As you slide your right foot to your left foot, reversing the strike line into a left hammerfist to attackers groin with your as your right hand checks at face level.
  6. Do a left obscure upward elbow through attackers chin into a left upward claw to their face while doing a right heel palm to their solar plexus and a left front scoop kick to their groin.
  7. Do a left front ball kick to attackers left knee and a left inward hand sword to their neck as you land from the kick.
SET 5: Clipping The Lance
  1. As the 1:30 attackers lunges with a waist level knife attack, step back to 7:30 with your right foot into a transitional left front twist stance while doing a right downward side elbow to deflect the knife past your right hip.
  2. Immediately unwind from the twist into a left neutral bow as you do a left inward hand sword to attackers forearm, raising your your right hand high to your right side.
  3. Do a right inward hand sword to attackers wrist as your left hand cocks to your chest into a left outward hand sword to attackers neck.
  4. As you move into a left forward bow and cock your left hand to your left hip, do a right four fingered eye poke to attackers face.
  5. Slide your right foot up to your left foot while doing a right middle knuckle strike to attackers ribs then step through to 1:30 into a right neutral bow while doing a right heel palm to attackers face.
SET 6: Clipping The Lance
  1. As the 10:30 attackers lunges with a waist level knife attack, step back to 4:30 with your left foot into a transitional right front twist stance while doing a left downward side elbow to deflect the knife past your left hip.
  2. Immediately unwind from the twist into a right neutral bow as you do a right inward hand sword to attackers forearm, raising your your left hand high to your left side.
  3. Do a left inward hand sword to attackers wrist as your right hand cocks to your chest into a right outward hand sword to attackers neck.
  4. As you move into a right forward bow and cock your right hand to your right hip, do a left four fingered eye poke to attackers face.
  5. Slide your left foot up to your right foot while doing a left middle knuckle strike to attackers ribs then step through to 10:30 into a left neutral bow while doing a left heel palm to attackers face.
SET 7: Thrusting Lance
  1. Slide your left foot back towards your right foot into a cat stance while doing a left inward block.
  2. As the 12:00 attacker lunges with a waist level knife attack, step back to 6:00 with your left foot into a right neutral bow facing 12:00 while doing a right inward/downward block to deflect the knife past your left hip.
  3. While checking attackers right arm with your right arm, push drag forward into attackers while doing a left inverted (underhand) heel palm to attackers groin.
  4. Bring your left hand up to help your right hand grab attackers wrist and rotate it clockwise to lock their wrist and beng them over at the waist as you step back with your right foot into a left neutral bow facing 12:00.
  5. Do a chicken kick (left leg first) to attackers face, landing in a right neutral bow tight to attacker. While doing this release your right hand and guide attackers arm past your right hip with your left hand.
  6. As you land from the kick, do a right rising back knuckle to attackers face followed by a right hammerfist to the back of their neck and a back knuckle to attackers right mastoid.
SET 8: Thrusting Lance
  1. As the 12:00 attacker lunges with a waist level knife attack, step back to 6:00 with your right foot into a left neutral bow facing 12:00 while doing a left inward/downward block to deflect the knife past your right hip.
  2. While checking attackers left arm with your left arm, push drag forward into attackers while doing a right inverted (underhand) heel palm to attackers groin.
  3. Bring your right hand up to help your left hand grab attackers wrist and rotate it clockwise to lock their wrist and beng them over at the waist as you step back with your left foot into a right neutral bow facing 12:00.
  4. Do a chicken kick (right leg first) to attackers face, landing in a left neutral bow tight to attacker. While doing this release your left hand and guide attackers arm past your left hip with your right hand.
  5. As you land from the kick, do a left rising back knuckle to attackers face followed by a left hammerfist to the back of their neck and a back knuckle to attackers left mastoid.
SET 9: Raining Lance
  1. As the 9:00 attacker comes in with an overhead knife attack, step to 1:30 with your right foot and turn counter clockwise into a left neutral bow as you extend your right down out and down. Do a left downward block (scraping down your right arm) to guide the knife past you and into attackers groin.
  2. With your left arm checking at solar plexus level, push drag forward into attacker while doing a right inward elbow to attackers chest.
  3. While turning into a reverse bow, switch hands, checking low with your right hand while your left does an inverted claw (palm up) to attackers throat.
  4. Switch hands again, checking low with your left hand while doing a right inward hand sword to attackers nose, into a right heel plam claw to attackers face.
SET 10: Raining Lance
  1. As the 3:00 attacker comes in with an overhead knife attack, step to 10:30 with your left foot and turn counter clockwise into a right neutral bow as you extend your left down out and down. Do a right downward block (scraping down your left arm) to guide the knife past you and into attackers groin.
  2. With your right arm checking at solar plexus level, push drag forward into attacker while doing a left inward elbow to attackers chest.
  3. While turning into a reverse bow, switch hands, checking low with your left hand while your right does an inverted claw (palm up) to attackers throat.
  4. Switch hands again, checking low with your right hand while doing a left inward hand sword to attackers nose, into a left heel plam claw to attackers face.
SET 11: Capturing The Storm
  1. As the 12:00 attacker comes in with a right overhead club attack, step forward to 12:00 with your left foot into a left neutral bow while doing a high cross block (right wrist on top of left wrist) to stop the club.
  2. Turn clockwise in place to 4:30 into a right reverse bow while grabbing attackers right wrist with both hands and pulling attackers arm across your upper arm, breaking their elbow.
  3. Turn counter clockwise in place to 10:30 while sinking into a left high wide kneel, swinging attackers arm (with club) down onto attackers right shin and step-thru forward past attacker.
  4. Immediately turn counter clockwise and step-thru reverse into a left neutral bow facing 4:30 while raising attackers arm over your head and pulling the club out of attackers hand with your right hand.
  5. Strike across attackers head (to your right) with the club, then down and across the front of their right leg, then back across the back of their leg.
  6. Without pausing from the last strike, step to 6:00 with your left foot into a transitional left front twist stance as you strike up to attackers face with the club.
SET 12: Capturing The Storm
  1. As the 6:00 attacker comes in with a left overhead club attack, step forward to 6:00 with your right foot into a right neutral bow while doing a high cross block (left wrist on top of right wrist) to stop the club.
  2. Turn clockwise in place to 1:30 into a left reverse bow while grabbing attackers left wrist with both hands and pulling attackers arm across on your upper arm, breaking their elbow.
  3. Turn counter clockwise in place to 7:30 while sinking into a right high wide kneel, swinging attackers arm (with club) down onto attackers left shin and step-thru forward past attacker.
  4. Immediately turn counter clockwise and step-thru reverse into a right neutral bow facing 1:30 while raising attackers arm over your head and pulling the club out of attackers hand with your left hand.
  5. Strike across attackers head (to your left) with the club, then down and across the front of their left leg, then back across the back of their leg.
  6. Without pausing from the last strike, step to 12:00 with your right foot into a transitional right front twist stance as you strike up to attackers face with the club.
SET 13: Circling The Storm
  1. As the 12:00 attackers comes in with a chest high club thrust, step to 12:00 with your left foot into a left neutral bow while doing a left inward block on attackers arm.
  2. Slide your left hand up to attackers elbow, checking their arm (redirecting to your right) and, as you step thru forward past attackers right leg, do a right glancing elbow to their ribs.
  3. As you land from the step thru, pivot counter clockwise into a left neutral bow facing 6:00 while doing a left outward elbow to attackers ribs as your right hand checks attackers right arm.
  4. Do a right heel palm claw up through the right side of attackers face as you hop back slightly to 11:00 landing in a left transitionary crane stance behind attacker and do a right side kick to the back of attackers left knee. As you land from the kick the continued motion of the heel palm claw becomes an inverted eagles beak to attackers groin from behind.
  5. With your left hand checking high, circle your right hand into another heel palm claw across attackers face into a check on attackers back.
  6. Do a left thrusting sweep of attackers right leg (towards 6:00), as you do a left handed eagle beak to attackers groin from behind, ending in a left front twist stance.
SET 14: Circling The Storm
  1. As the 6:00 attackers comes in with a chest high club thrust, step to 6:00 with your right foot into a right neutral bow while doing a right inward block on attackers arm.
  2. Slide your right hand up to attackers elbow, checking their arm (redirecting to your left) and, as you step thru forward past attackers left leg, do a left glancing elbow to their ribs.
  3. As you land from the step thru, pivot counter clockwise into a right neutral bow facing 12:00 while doing a right outward elbow to attackers ribs as your left hand checks attackers left arm.
  4. Do a left heel palm claw up through the left side of attackers face as you hop back slightly to 7:00 landing in a right transitionary crane stance behind attacker and do a left side kick to the back of attackers right knee. As you land from the kick the continued motion of the heel palm claw becomes an inverted eagles beak to attackers groin from behind.
  5. With your right hand checking high, circle your left hand into another heel palm claw across attackers face into a check on attackers back.
  6. Do a right thrusting sweep of attackers left leg (towards 12:00), as you do a right handed eagle beak to attackers groin from behind, ending in a right front twist stance.
SET 15: Escape From The Storm
  1. Do a left knee to 12:00, landing in a left neutral bow facing 12:00.
  2. As the 3:00 attacker comes in with an overhead club slide your right foot back to your left foot and step out to 3:00 while doing a left high inward parry on the arm/stick and a right heel palm to attackers face.
  3. As you begin to step-thru forward, drive your right elbow down into attackers solar plexus and immediately turn wip your forearm down into a heel palm to attackers groin 3 as you settle into a left neutral bow facing 3:00.
  4. Slide your left hand down the outside of attackers right leg and, as you slide your right leg out wide (stiff legged) and back to 3:00 into a deep left forward bow facing 9:00, hook onto attackers leg and pull up with your right hand as you do a left inward elbow to attackers lower back to knock them forward. You end with both your hands in the shape of the crane (hooking in) on your right side.
  5. Step to 9:00 with your right leg into a right front twist stance and sink down, breaking attackers right knee (you are holding their right leg in your hands) over your right thigh.
  6. Do a left inward heel plam to attackers right leg to get it off of your thigh and immediately follow with a right front underhanded eagle's beak to attackers groin.
  7. Shift your stance (counter clockwise) into a reverse bow while you continue the motion of right hand into a right rear underhanded eagle's beak to attackers groin.
  8. Shift your stance (clockwise) back to 9:00 and do a left thrusting sweep to 9:00 on attackers right leg with a left front underhanded eagle's beak to attackers groin. You end in a left front twist stance.
SET 16: Escape From The Storm
  1. Do a right knee to 9:00, landing in a right neutral bow facing 9:00.
  2. As the 9:00 attacker comes in with an overhead club slide your left foot up to your right foot and step out to 9:00 while doing a right high inward parry on the arm/stick and a left heel palm to attackers face.
  3. As you begin to step-thru forward, drive your left elbow down into attackers solar plexus and immediately turn wip your forearm down into a heel palm to attackers groin 3 as you settle into a right neutral bow facing 9:00.
  4. Slide your right hand down the outside of attackers left leg and, as you slide your left leg out wide (stiff legged) and back to 3:00 into a deep right forward bow facing 3:00, hook onto attackers leg and pull up with your left hand as you do a right inward elbow to attackers lower back to knock them forward. You end with both your hands in the shape of the crane (hooking in) on your left side.
  5. Step to 3:00 with your left leg into a left front twist stance and sink down, breaking attackers left knee (you are holding their left leg in your hands) over your left thigh.
  6. Do a right inward heel plam to attackers left leg to get it off of your thigh and immediately follow with a left front underhanded eagle's beak to attackers groin.
  7. Shift your stance (clockwise) into a reverse bow while you continue the motion of left hand into a left rear underhanded eagle's beak to attackers groin.
  8. Shift your stance (counter clockwise) back to 3:00 and do a right thrusting sweep to 3:00 on attackers left leg with a right front underhanded eagle's beak to attackers groin. You end in a right front twist stance.
SET 17: Entwined Lance
  1. Step to 12:00 with your left foot into a left front twist stance (facing 12:00) while doing a left outward hooking parry and cocking your right hand (palm down) to the left side of your chest.
  2. Step through to 12:00 with your right foot into a right neutral bow as you convert your left hooking parry into a grab on attackers wrist and do a right outward handsword to attackers throat.
  3. As your right hand slides down attackers right arn to grab at (or about) their wrist, do a right thrusting sweep to attackers right leg while also doing a left 2 fingered eye poke. 4
  4. Switch hands again, bringing your left hand down attackers right arm to grab their wrist while doing a right back knuckle to attackers ribs and a right side kick to the inside of attackers left knee. 5
SET 18: Entwined Lance
  1. Step to 12:00 with your right foot into a right front twist stance (facing 12:00) while doing a right outward hooking parry and cocking your left hand (palm down) to the right side of your chest.
  2. Step through to 12:00 with your left foot into a left neutral bow as you convert your right hooking parry into a grab on attackers wrist and do a left outward handsword to attackers throat.
  3. As your left hand slides down attackers left arn to grab at (or about) their wrist, do a left thrusting sweep to attackers left leg while also doing a right 2 fingered eye poke. 4
  4. Switch hands again, bringing your right hand down attackers left arm to grab their wrist while doing a left back knuckle to attackers ribs and a left side kick to the inside of attackers right knee. 5
SET 19: Captured Rod
  1. As the 3:00 attacker steps in with a gun to your face, step to 3:00 with your right foot while doing a left outward parry on attackers hand at the thumb (which immediately turns into a grab) while doing a right inward (palm down) eye slice, , bringing your right hand down to grab attackers right hand.
  2. While your right hand maintains the grab, do a left 4 fingered eye poke. 6
  3. Return your left hand to attackers right hand and, as you step back with your right foot, use both hands to twist attackers wrist clockwise and back towards them (thumbs on the back of the hand, fingers on the front - as done in the Lock Flows).
  4. With your right hand, pull the gun out of attackers hand and back past your right hip while doing a right rear ball kick to attackers groin. As you land from the kick checking the inside of attackers right leg, slide your left hand up from attackers wrist to their elbow as their arm slides past your right hip and strike up with the gun to attackers face. 7
SET 20: Captured Rod
  1. As the 9:00 attacker steps in with a gun to your face, step to 6:00 with your left and rotate counter clockwise in-place into a left neutral bow facing 9:00 while doing a right outward parry on attackers hand at the thumb (which immediately turns into a grab) while doing a left inward (palm down) eye slice, bringing your left hand down to grab attackers left hand.
  2. While your left hand maintains the grab, do a right 4 fingered eye poke. 6
  3. Return your right hand to attackers left hand and, as you step back with your left foot, use both hands to twist attackers wrist clockwise and back towards them (thumbs on the back of the hand, fingers on the front - as done in the Lock Flows).
  4. With your left hand, pull the gun out of attackers hand and back past your left hip while doing a left rear ball kick to attackers groin. As you land from the kick checking the inside of attackers left leg, slide your right hand up from attackers wrist to their elbow as their arm slides past your left hip and strike up with the gun to attackers face. 7

Footnotes For Form 6

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